Click on the Tutorial link to view detailed instructions for signing in to the AMBUCS Membership Hub.
 AMBUCS Membership HUB Signon Tutorial

Trouble Signing in?

We have had multiple reports of members having problems logging into the Membership HUB for the first time.  Specifically, the automated emails being sent when a member selects 'Forgot my username' or 'Forgot password' from the signin screen are not always being received by members. Most members are receiving this email when using those links, but many members are not.  We believe this is being caused by security and spam settings being used by the member's email provider.  We've opened a problem ticket with our system vendor to get help determining the exact root cause.

Until this email delivery problem is resolved, we're implementing a manual process that will help members that are not able to use the automated process to sign in, and do it in a fashion that maintains the security of our site and our member's personal information.  

If you are one of the AMBUCS members that have not received an email when selecting 'Forgot my username' or 'Forgot password' from the signin screen, please initiate the following manual process:
    1) Member - Send an email to our support email address, [email protected].  
        - Put the words 'Unable to Signin' in the subject.
        - Include a mobile phone number we can use to text you a password.
    2) AMBUCS Resource Center - Will create the user's account      
        - Verify the member's email address matches the email in the member's contact record.
        - Create the member's sign in credentials and assign a password.
        - Text the password to the mobile phone number provided in the member's email.
    3) Member - Access the Membership HUB.
        - Signin to the HUB using the member's email address as the username and the password from the text message.
        - After signing in, use the 'Change password' dialog at the bottom of the member's home page to change their password.